Since 2010 the Web Series-Talk Show “NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS WITH STEVEN THOMAS DARRELL” has been a staple on DigitalLizardProductions.com. Now for the first time these episodes will be available to watch on DVD. “Nocturnal Emissions with Steven Thomas Darrell” is a 1980’s low budget talk show parody. Each episode features the overly sexual, bluntly vulgar, and oddly loveable host “Steven Thomas Darrell” (played by Keith Evans) sitting down with warped exaggerations of 1980’s pop culture personalities. It’s not for delicate ears, but it’s been deemed the “guiltiest of pleasures” by the tens of thousands of viewers since its launch.
To celebrate the release of “NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS: GREATEST HITS VOL. ONE!” Digital Lizard Productions is sharing this unreleased footage of a controversial “Best of” Episode. In this unseen 36 minute “Special” Steven Thomas Darrell sits in alone in an empty studio, apologizes to a lot of people, orders ‘take-out’, fends off a ghost, takes a nap, and comes to terms with the show’s cancellation in one of the funkiest suicide attempts of all time. All of this plus some of the greatest moments from the show’s archives!
“NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS: GREATEST HITS VOL. ONE!” includes all 12 episodes from season one and two as well as bonus features. Watch them all for free online or show your support and buy the DVD available on Amazon.com!
Keith Evans is "Steven Thomas Darrell"
Directed & Edited by Michael Goodpaster