HI My name is K.L. I’m a dancer. I'm a singer. I'm an actress. I'm a professional princess and I'm a former pageant girl. Oh yeah, and im a female pro-wrestler - well aspiring anyway. I'm probably nothing great but I dream to be someday. Read this blog, leave me questions. Get a view into "the biz", my mind, and all the places you never knew you wanted to go.
I had a really good, thought out, and well written edition for you… until I read an article about a young lady that was sexually assaulted and instead of being helped by school officials she was mocked.
Travel with me, if you will, to the days of “Estrogen Nut.” What have women done to men in the history of time to deserve such hate, misconduct, and evil towards us – other than BRINGING YOU INTO THIS WORLD.
The article, originally where I read it, can be found here:
HEY FUCKTARDS – women have mammary glands upon our chest to feed YOU the minute you take your first breath. You should be fucking worshiping us; Not casting lust and shame upon us.
OBVIOUSLY the exploitation of women is something I hold high on my shit list….
And taada… back to wrestling…
Before I ruin it completely I will share with you one of the biggest reasons I decided to start training in as little worlds possible. You will hear about it all later – but simply, I want to be an example. After sharing with you (not even) all the shiz-nit I have been though in my life, I know there are little girls out there in the same situations or worse that I grew up in. Entertainment & media – in horrid shows like Degrassi - always play trauma-ed girls as the ones who “become” lesbians or are sluts or are crazy. I want to be out there and show them JUST BECAUSE TV, RADIO, INTERNET, ETC SAYS IT – IT DOENST HAVE TO BE YOU!
Stand up for yourself. Be strong. You are only a victim if you allow yourself to be.
I’d like to add in – a noble effort, when Bri Bella told Stephanie McMahon at payback “I refuse to be a powerless victim” it was an AMAZING example and even better statement. However, I wish WWE had found a better way to project it besides a cat fight… and you know… the whole “it just sotry line” thing kind of makes it a little dull.
Know, PLEASE, any gal, if you are reading this… WE are the givers of life, WE are powerful, WE are strong, WE are beautiful!
THIS is why I pursue this – I want girls to know WE CAN DO IT!
But I still hate everyone.
(okay, I don’t have everyone… but the Say Anything song was pretty freaking fitting)