[BLOG]The Bump Journal
"Dance ten, Looks three."

HI My name is K.L. I’m a dancer. I'm a singer. I'm an actress. I'm a professional princess and I'm a former pageant girl. Oh yeah, and im a female pro-wrestler - well aspiring anyway. I'm probably nothing great but I dream to be someday. Read this blog, leave me questions. Get a view into "the biz", my mind, and all the places you never knew you wanted to go.

I don’t have much to talk about today – but being a chick sucks. All you do is work really hard to get better… and all you need is bingo-bongos and a caboose.

I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, I’ve always known this. In high school I wasn’t exactly popular and I wasn’t exactly crushing hearts left and right (but I wasn’t exactly NOT either). But the girls who were? The girls who had already filled out (or put out) and really – I wasn’t.

Growing up I really came in to my looks and knew it – but was determined not to be the girl that used the looks to get what I wanted. It turns out you just can’t help it sometimes.

Recently I was asked to do my first match! I was so friggin’ excited! I thought someone saw how hard I was working, how great I could improve their shows, and had to at least see a speck of talent. This actual group added me to a facebook group where it seems just days before they must have forgotten about their conversation of me. It was degrading – it turns out you just need a little “T & A” and that isn’t talent and acting.

Even in my anger who knows if I want to do the show, I’m going to let my trainer decide for me. I know since the beginning of time gals just wanted to be “pretty” and I’m not complaining… but in some ways it’s a curse. You generally don’t get picked for your talent, no one sees though those looks. HUMBUG.

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