4 Facts: Ed Helms

Ed grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. He’d graduated from Oberlin College with a degree in film theory and technology in the mid 90s. After school he went to New York and got into sketch comedy and improv at the UCB. He was working as a trainee film editor and would record scratch voice overs. A “scratch” track is basically for timing and tone only. It’s typically rerecorded with a different voice. These “sample” type of tracks lead to him getting paid voice work. That with his UCB stuff lead to a really cool casting gig.

The gig would be The Daily Show. He was a “field reporter” from 2002 to 2006. He’d do various segments and fill in where needed. He had segments like This Week In God, Digital Watch, Mark Your Calendar, and Ad Nauseam. He would go on to bigger things for himself, but still shows up from time to time. In 2008 he came back for an Obama segment and still does narration on both The Daily Show and Cobert Report from time to time.

He started on The Office in 2006. His character was part of a “bizzaro office” that Jim was working at for awhile. He’d eventually integrate into the main cast and eventually would become the office’s manager replacing Steve Carell. He’s consistently one of the best parts of the show. People can argue if the show is as good as it was or as it could be, but Helm’s “Andy” is ALWAYS entertaining.

In 2009, the dude would become part of pop culture history. As one of the main three from the movie “The Hangover”, Helms found his place on the DVD shelves and in the pop vernacular of every man or female who has enjoyed comedy in the past twenty years. It set records and is undoubtedly a “modern classic” at this point.

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