4 Reasons I Love Pro Wrestling V.11

A lot of traditionalists are quick to shit on this. I have no problem with a worked sport having a celebrity branch to its Hall of Fame. Who gets in is subjective. Since I’ve been watching wrestling celebrities and other pro athletes have gotten involved. I don’t want it EVERY week, but it’s fun in small doses. I enjoy boxers like Ali, Tyson, Merryweather, and others involved. I like when musicians show up and interact. It gives the show a bigger feel. Wrestling is a form of entertainment that’s contained within its own box. To see other entertainers show up and show they’re cool with getting in that box is awesome. I’m just going to say it… I miss the weekly RAW GM/Hosts.

Thank you, “Macho Man” Randy Savage. I could be broad and just say “the wardrobe”, but I can be even more specific. The iconic hats from professional wrestling’s history are awesome. From the crowns of the “Kings”, the cowboy hats, the pimp hats, the baseball caps, the skull caps, the “foreigner” hats, and so on and so on. Then there are the robes. Back to Gorgeous George in the black and white days to currently Damien Sandow in FCW it’s always part of wrestling. Ric Flair would spend thousands of dollars on his plethora of flamboyant and colorful robes. Macho Man as well!

There is nothing like the buzz and noise of a wrestling show. The explosive sounds of the bumps, the loud as hell fireworks, the roar of the crowd, the loud entrance music, and pretty much everything at a wrestling show is asking for a migraine. This is a welcomed migraine though. I’ve been to huge concerts, huge sporting events, and have not sheltered myself from going to events. None of them come close to the war on my ears as a live WWE wrestling event.

One thing you don’t hear at a live WWE event is the commentary. In football, baseball, and other sports you hear the play by play of announcers like John Madden, Bob Costas, Marv Albert, and Stacey King. In wrestling, the commentator is part of the show. They get the task of verbally putting over the entire show, matches, carry on flow, and get over ideas that need to get over. It’s not an easy job at all. In wrestling history I’ve enjoyed quite a few commentators over the years. Joey Styles in ECW was always a huge favorite of mine. I used to love Vince, Gorilla, The Brain, The Body, and all of those older guys. In recent years I’ve dealt with TNA’s crappy people, Michael Cole, and out-dated Jerry Lawler, and some flat out crap. Meanwhile, I’ve enjoyed the short stints of Todd Grisham, Matt Stryker, JBL, Foley, and others who really added to the show in a positive way. Right now, it sorta sucks. But overall I’d rather have it than not.

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