4 Favorite Willem Dafoe Roles

In 86 Willem Dafoe was nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for Best Male Lead. That’s cool, but he was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor by the Academy Awards. That’s a bad ass feat. We’re not even getting into the fact that it’s Platoon. It’s one of the best war movies of all time. It’s one of those iconic films and he’s always going to have that part in it. I’ll still enjoy a few minutes of it here and there when I catch it on basic cable. Dafoe killed it.

I don’t think many people would include this one. He has plenty of other movies that could make a “top 4” list. Not mine. I am a HUGE fan of American Psycho. It’s one of my favorite movies and I’ve watched it many many times. When you do that you pick on the little things. For me, the understated role as Detective Kimball was great. In the midst of all the craziness going on, he comes in almost as a voice of “I know something is up” that makes both Bale’s character and the viewer unsettled.

The first big villain of the Spider-Man movies was easily the best of the bunch. As the crazy millionaire scientist Norman Osborn, he made you feel for Franco’s “Harry” character and you had to like his nice-ness towards Peter. When he became Green Goblin it was full on bad ass. That crazy costume and face was cool, but we all seem to completely ignore the fact that he had hover boards…. So obviously he could time travel too! Bet you didn’t know that!

As Klaus, Dafoe kills it. He has played some pretty tongue in cheek roles up until this point, but I dare anyone to point out a more enjoyable and endearing character. Klaus looked up to Bill Murray’s “Zissou” character almost in a fatherly way so when his real son shows up its pretty entertaining to see his reactions and how his silly light-heartedness warps. This role also makes for a great Halloween costume.

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