This would be a thriller for sure. I’d love to see an intense movie about spelling words based on words that have already been spelled. It would be amazing. The drama, the suspense, the thrills! And then imagine the deep rooted chaos that would happen the second a Triple Word Score was dropped in the movie. And then if ALL the letters are used… bonus points? Aaaah shiiiit!
A comedy about a crazy operation would be great. I’d love to see a doctor get the shit shocked out of them for taking someone’s bone out the wrong way. It could get more and more in depth as it went on. Finally, we find out the entire game is teaching children that precision is what counts in the organ harvesting black market.
Who wouldn’t be scared shit less if a pack of huge colorful hippos were chasing after you starving to the point they were nicknamed “hungry” not only once, but twice. The Original “Triple H” was a fun and destructive game. You know the stereotypes about video games where people win just by smashing any random buttons as fast as they can. That’s what happens in Hungry Hungry Hippo. Like they say… Don’t trust a hippo!
This could have and should have been a horror movie by now. I think we’ve all had the sleep-over Ouija board experience. We’d pull the board out and test the limits of reality. Someone would always screw with the group to try to scare and freak out everyone else. Someone would always push the thing to spell out weird things to screw with folks. I’m sorry about that. I could only imagine a cheesy horror comedy where someone uses an Ouija board and is really haunted by zany ghosts. It sounds so badly that I think it writes itself.