4 Reasons I Hate Pro Wrestling V.3

Too many wrestlers die young. Be it the wear and tear of the ring, the drugs, or over the top lifestyles it just seems that more and more wrestlers are passing away too early. The guys from the 80’s are going at a depressing speed. There is also Randy Savage, Owen Hart, Pillman, Umaga, Rude, Eddie, Curt Hennig, Hawk, Bulldog, and many more. It’s a bit heartbreaking to see your heroes die.

I’ve enjoyed my share of scantily clad women in wrestling. As a teenager it was great. I could see half naked women and still enjoy my favorite form of entertainment, wrestling. The problem I have is that it goes too far. It’s not the lack of clothing or anything, but the way it’s done. It comes off class-less and trashy. To me, the most attractive females in wrestling are those who can tell a story, have a stage presence, and convincingly act. The fake Barbie models are forgettable and make the entire genre of wrestling a joke. Meanwhile there are those on the indies who are putting on great wrestling matches and having convincing roles as big as the guys. This path should have been cleared years ago and we should be ten or twenty years past this. Sadly, I don’t think it’ll ever not be a little chauvinistic. Maybe not in tone, but in business for sure.

One cool thing about professional sports is the stats. The records, standings, and legacies are built on those stats. In wrestling, the stats are only brought out in rare occasions. We know Undertaker’s Wrestlemania record, we knew Goldberg’s streak, how many times Ric Flair won the belt, etc. etc. etc. I think stats should be part of everyday wrestling. I’d like to know someone’s win/loss record on RAW vs. their record on Smackdown or PPV. I’d like to know how many times someone actually won a match via their finishing move. I’d be curious to someone’s average match length. All of this stuff won’t make or break a show or storyline, but I don’t see how it would hurt. It would add another layer of legitimacy to the product. Even if it’s as silly as a Clown vs. a Pirate, I dig the idea of it having more on the line. This is a boat that 99% of wrestling is missing out on or not giving a full go at.

I don’t like watching bad wrestlers. Why would anyone outside of some sort of ironic and cruel manner. It seems cool now to shit on people. Probably because of the internet. I’m guilty of this too. It’s easy to just write off someone I thought was “bad”. I’m not talking a bad actress showing up and not being able to cry. I’m talking about shitting on established wrestlers who I don’t like. This is a lame situation. There is a way to say you don’t like someone’s work without being a dick about it. They’re working in a business you’re fond of. There is at least THAT bond. Sometimes someone will get better or sometimes not, but it’s not worth the negative energy nor is it honorable. It’s still a person and they’re still putting themselves out there.

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