He’s not really all that new if you’re looking in the right places. Deon Cole has been on most of the major stand up shows over the past few years including “Def Comedy Jam”, “Comic View”, “Showtime at the Apollo”, and more. He did standup on Conan’s “The Tonight Show” and did so well that they hired on to be a full time writer. Towards the end of the shows run, he made appearances giving his own commentary on Conan’s screw job situation. These few minutes on national TV got him a lot of attention, including my own. It was even nicer to find out the dude is from the south side of Chicago. He’s charismatic, but not a cartoon character like many who push that envelope. He’s got something to say and it’s a pleasure to hear it.
I caught Bo on Comedy Central a few months ago and have been spreading the word about him since. He made a name for himself with his YouTube videos, but quickly rose to the cream of the young crop. His style mainly consists of music done on a keyboard. His lyrics/jokes are quick witted and sharp as a tack. His actual flow deliveries on most songs are better than most top notch MCs. It’s fresh, smart, and definitely worth looking into. If you see him at a club, as much as you’d like… do NOT buy him a drink. The dude’s 19, (“Stop lyin!”) “No, seriously..go ask his mother! And with your wrinkled pu…”… You get it.
Glover makes me laugh every time I see him be it on Community, talk shows, his Comedy Central presents, or the HILARIOUS indie movie he made with his sketch group “Derrick Comedy” called “Mystery Team”. Seriously, that movie is one of the brightest hidden gems I’ve had the pleasure of seeing in a long time. I’m big on Glover because he’s pretty much a cool nerd. He’s not super smooth or super loud, but shares odd stories with his audience and paints a relatable picture. In July, “Just for Laughs” will be presenting him with the 2010 “Rising Comedy Star” award. It’s much deserved if you ask me. On a personal note, I’ve had a lot of fun convincing about a dozen people that he’s actor Danny Glover’s son.
Aziz Ansari has quickly become my own and most people’s favorite new comedian. He’s been around for a little while. He was on the underrated MTV show “Human Giant” and then has been rocking NBC’s “Park and Recreation” for the past two seasons. He’s done some small, but memorable roles in movies that you should have seen already and his Comedy Central stand up special “Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening” was the best stand up special I’ve seen in recent memory. He’s smart; but goofy, over the top; but grounded, and a huge reason why the art of standup comedy will not die off anytime in the near future.