This 1922 silent film is still as haunting as it was 90+ years ago. The story is told through actions of the characters and the occasional title card explaining the plot in more detail. I think that’s what makes it creepy. The mystery and calmness of watching the movie lets the story take over your brain if you let it. It’s got a lot of history as well. There were tons of legal troubles for the movie as it was a blatant rip off of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and is also the first film to depict sunlight as something harmful to vampires. F.W. Murnau’s direction here is breathtaking. The use of shadows and well paced-mind-warping timing is something I cannot compare any modern movie to. If you’re a fan of horror or the vampire legend in general this is a mandatory viewing. If you doubt me, just watch it and you’ll get why.
This Rodriguez/Tarantino collaboration is going on FIFTEEN YEARS OLD. When I think about this movie, I don’t think of it being a decade and half old, that’s for sure. This is a totally different type of vampire movie. It’s a criminal road trip gone very wrong, done in the witty and edgy style that both Robert Rodriquez and Quentin Tarantino are known for. We follow two fugitive brothers Seth (George Clooney) and Richie (Tarantino) as they hold a family (Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis, Ernest Liu) hostage in their RV and take them across the Mexican border to a very down and dirty strip club. Little do they know that once they enter the strip club most of them will not come out alive. The strip club’s door man is a very vulgar Cheech Marin, Danny Trejo rocks the bartender role, Tom Savini as a perv biker, Fred Williamson as a war vet, and Salma Hayek as the club’s top “performer” round out this great cast. The point in which everyone transforms into vampires and the survivors are forced to fight for their lives is downright amazing. The fight is contained within the bar, but never lets up and never gives you a chance to yawn. I caught this for the first time in forever a few weeks ago and almost turned into a small child. I sat there, Indian style, on edge, wide eyed, and enjoying every little thing like it was the coolest thing ever. Ya know what, maybe it was.
I remember a VHS of this movie being in my home in the late 80’s. This is where I fell in love with the whole vampire characterization. The vampire gang lead by David(Kiefer Sutherland) were the perfect mix of creepy, cool, and snarky. Then there’s Jason Patric playing “Michael” who in attempt to fit in becomes a vampire to his younger brother’s (Corey Haim) dismay. Michael realizes the gang is bad news and tries to get away from it all. Sutherland ain’t having it. There’s scenes in the movie that still give me creeps when thinking about them, specifically the train track scene and the rice turning to maggots. The end battle between the comic nerds and the brothers taking on the gang was the shit. It starts and doesn’t even until, well… the end. All action, total substance, and very well done. If you’re into this whole Twilight lameness, watch THIS movie. It’s a teenage vampire movie with real vampires. No glittery BS here.
For the longest time I proclaimed that THIS was my favorite movie. I’m not sure 26 year old me agrees with 16 year old me anymore, but it’s still by far my favorite vampire movie of all time. It’s been awhile since I’ve sat down with this Anne Rice classic, but the movie still stands out in my brain almost scene for scene. Before Tom Cruise got all crazy, he rocked the Lestat role. Then there’s Brad Pitt playing Louis sharing his story of human to vampire and the life that was lead afterwards. In what I still think is probably her best role, Kristen Dunst is remarkable in her role as Claudia, a young girl turned vampire who is unable to ever physically grow up. The vampires here aren’t the gruesome monsters, but social vampires. They’re classy, sophisticated, and their kills have a sense of ritual to them. It’s not all blood lust and fangs. It’s a beautifully written and directed story about a group of people (or whatever) who share a painful eternity.