"Reasons to Ignore Lady GaGa"

“She writes her own music” and “She has so much talent” are not reasons to deem the music of Lady CaCa as “great” or even “good”. She goes from dance club disco/techno stuff to commercial pop with ease. Is she making music she likes herself or liking the money she makes from making boring music. She does have talent. By that I mean she has a pleasant voice range, can play some instruments, and can get a crowd going. Do you know how many talentless musicians are out there that can do the same things? Talent doesn’t make music automatically great. It’s something to be felt and I don’t get that with GaGa. Most successful musicians write their own music, they’re called rock stars. Just because the pop genre is full of people who can’t spell their name doesn’t justify the reasoning. If you sing someone else’s words, you’re basically singing an unreleased cover song. GaGa writes her own music. So what? So does Fred Durst and Nickelback.

By definition and obvious acceptance, Lady GaGa might be the biggest attention whore in music right now. It’s not like when a celebrity will really want to be photographed but pretends to be shy and annoyed by it. This is flat out “look at me! look at me! I need to be loved!” type of stuff. And I don’t care what retard-diculous costume she puts on to “express herself in an artistic way”. When other people have done it in the past, it felt more real. With GaGa it’s as if she’s trying too hard. She looks like she wants to geek out or blush at the attention as soon as the spotlight shines on her. I guess if you try too hard and maintain a pompous attitude while doing it then you too can get on TMZ once a day.

It’s almost like Marilyn Manson and Madonna had a kid and let the Muppets and a DVD copy of “Party Monster” raise it. Outside of the near nude shots, I’ve never raised an eyebrow or really cared at all about any of her antics or work. Her fashion AND musical shtick has been done. Is it that we as humans are desensitized by our surroundings? The controversial stuff of the past was so in your face because it was still a little too taboo to get into, but now with the wide spread internet access and current climate things are different. I’m not giving her an excuse at all though. She’s boring to the hardcore music lover. A casual pop music/Top 40 doofus will love this stuff because it’s fresh to them, but if you’ve listened with more intent then you’ve already seen this.

Yes, I’m cool with people expressing themselves and being fearless in their mode of expression. GaGa, contrived as a mofo or not, does this but now we’re seeing GaGa-clones. Nasty girls who think glitter makes them eccentric and “expressive”. Pop music is aimed towards the youth. I’m really not in the mood for a generation of girls being slutty, but wacky colorful, in the guise of “art”. Somebody... without glitter... please think of the kids!

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