So, Happy New Year everyone. MY aim was to get this out right after the New Year smoke settled, but alas, connectivity is as unplanned as teen pregnancy. Nevertheless, i cover a few of 2010's last few worthy topics. Just another practice vlog if you ask me. I'm dabbling with the editing, as in how exactly I want to present it in a different way to you guys. Again, i can not stress enough how comments would just make a fucking day. Say whatever you'd like; i.e. "You're the bomb yo" or "Eff you Keith, my scrotum is better at blogging". Doesn't matter to me. The only thing that matters is that I have some sort of hint that you were here. I am slowly planning my 2011 video blog debut, not to mention tons of DLP projects you guys are sure to enjoy. May this year bring you happiness, success, and constant ejaculations.
Nuff Said,
Evans From The Heavens