It has arrived….
That inevitable date I knew would come…
I’m handing my baby over to the world….
No, not Kayla…stupid.
I’m talking about the creation I mustered up back in 2011. A Night Of Comedy. A.N.O.C. #anoc .
It’s been a long road. Rough terrain and nothing short of amazingly fun and educational along the way. But alas, it is time to change over the scene. Have a breath of fresh air breathed into my precious. Time for her to become a woman and experience new things, with a much older man (Todd McNeely).
We’ve done all we can with each other. Oh the memories. Nostalgia and general good times,, dripping from both our mouths and privates, like fresh ejaculate. Liquid love. Oh the times we’ve had.
The first night we danced, it was spectacular. The excitement and anticipation lay like fog in the air of a small, cozy county seat called Crown Point, IN
Remember when we met both of Ross Blankenship’s moms?
How about the time Joe Red had us up all night long with his seemingly Viagra fueled set?
That awkward first Christmas we spent together?
The night Megan Gailey dazzled us and became our American Darling?
Junior Stopka’s been there.
Dave Odd’s been there.
Seth Davis. The Puterbaugh Sistas. Danny Kallas. Sean White. Kristen Toomey. Jacob Williams. Martin Morrow. Mike Lebovitz. Marty DeRosa. Rebecca O’Neil. Sonia Denise. James Earl Folks.
Hell, if we had the blatant audacity to nickname ourselves the SNL of CP, then Matt Drufke is for SURE our Alec Baldwin.
We’ve seen amazing as well as shuttering debuts. We’ve heard some of the funniest shit, as well as the dullest of anecdotes.
Jokes about local threesomes, dead families, girl scout pussy, Amare Stoudamire, nigglers, tatoos of tatu’s tutus from tatu tattoo…. And all #withmydick.
The original and still steady purpose of ANOC was to provide not only entertainment for the Northwest Indiana area, but a place for anyone in the Region to cut their comedic teeth on a supportive stage. It’s almost just a natural assumption that one considering comedy as their craft would need to go to Chicago, which obviously is still a necessary step. But what about those who can’t just up and trek it out to the Windy city every week? The only other consistent venue being Wisecrackers, who only book traveling established comics. And yes, there are other shows here and there in NWI, but let’s be fair, they didn’t start popping up until after ANOC, and none so far have held down the fort like ANOC has.
So after 3 years, I bid my sweet creation a sorrowful farewell. May it continue to flourish and open up doors.