[BLOG] Estrogen Nut
"Pre-Pubescent Hot Pockets"

Ok so I seriously wanted to wait a bit before this… I wanted to do a few reviews, tell you more about myself, maybe an interview… then BAM a piece of news so disturbingly disgusting comes to my attention and I MUST rant!

BACKGROUND: I’m not exactly a feminist BUT as an ongoing victim I constantly see how the media is objectifying women AND girls. Without getting to far into it, I was shoved in pageants, put into modeling classes, told I was too short, too fat, have hips too big, have a torso too short, legs that don’t fit my body, the only positive thing that ever came out of a “teachers” mouth is “you have the most perfect face… but oh that body…” and like all sad actresses with a now big voice, I hated everything about me, was constantly looking for ways to change it, yearning to be prettier, taking extreme measures to be skinner. Even now ill admit I am not always terribly satisfied with my weight, I have curves, my roommate sometimes makes me poke my hips bones to point out “see, its bone, you can't diet away bones” which she’s right… anyway… to get back to what is enraging me…

I found this link: (it’s disgusting – you may not be able to read it)

Yeah, it’s about getting a bikini or brazilian wax for a girl as young as 8 years old. Excuse me, what? Girls that young hardly realize anything is there or will ever be there. They are still thinking Barbie & Ken is where its at, and probably have no idea what “that” is used for. None of their dollys have hair there or hips, or nipples.

The author if the article does a job of not seeming mad about it, but just informing you of the idiotocracy, so leave it to me to add that… first lets re-highlight the quote:

"In 10 years waxing children will be like taking them to the dentist or putting braces on their teeth."

First off – in extreme cases, if teeth aren't straightened they can cause physical pain & problems in their older year – which is one big reason braces were invented. I will admit braces have been used more often then not as a cosmetic procedure to give one a prettier smile of what have you, but still your teeth are something that are seen everyday and braces and dentists can teach your daughter better dental hygiene. But never after removing my daughter from school to get her braces will I say “hurry up honey, pick your toy from the good patient chest, were going to buzz by the salon and get your prepubescent vag its monthly waxing!” I will remind you, “it” is hopefully NOT being seen everyday and that hair down there will never be harmful to your daughter’s health.

The article goes on to provide the salon’s - Wanda's European Skin Care – full service description. One sentence being:

“Virgin hair can be waxed so successfully that growth can be permanently stopped in just 2 to 6 sessions”

Excuse me, but is it not your daughter’s body? Is it not her choice if she wants hair down there when she older? Now lets get personal & crude for a second, I am an avid manicurist, but what if a gal decides to be all natur-al? There are still some men out there that find a bush appealing. Who says your daughter will never shack up with one of them? AND to go with the health aspect above, a little hair down there in certain areas helps block bad bacteria. So, it is in fact, healthier to let your daughter have some down there.

The article also highlights that the salon provides “interested if there's even hair down there” and goes on to tell you that yes there is, it’s the same kind every human being has all over their body because unless you are having every centimeter of your body waxed you have hair all over. So what's next? Having your daughter dipped into a life size cauldron of bubbling hot wax, gauze layed all over her to a mummy like state then every follicle have hair ripped from it? The author of the article even muses “And must be torn out by the roots if you don't want the other girls to laugh at you!” to be perfectly honest, in my gym room, girls weren't slapping each other with wet noodles in their satin undies as men think or hope, at that age, girls openly asked if you had hair there not or yet – some girls even wanted to see… we found out in about 3-4 years those girls were lesbians… the early bloomers were practically praised that they were older or “more mature.” The only time anyone was made fun of or laughed as was when a GUY had forced a girl into touching or worse down there and discovered her hair and because of all the objectifying porn he watched with bald or shaved veejays he made her feel bad in her lack of knowledge and manicuring. Suddenly it was the thing to do, manicure and such down there & that poor girl never lived it down. So do you see what I'm saying – this is man’s fault to a point. The girl was first laughed at by an over horny pubescent bucket o douche jock (our jock's btw NEVER won a game, so Fudge off!)

"If you don't want the other girls to laugh at you!" <<< yeah, I clearly explained my case BUUUUUUUUT what can we do. Girls actually do feel bad about hair down there, one girl in particular, she's an "role model" to many girls and she has a reality television show where people try to be her BFF, Paris Hilton. Paris objectifies women herself daily and publicly this season. In her show she got rid of one contestant because basically the contestant didn't tell Paris if she was pretty or not, and didn't have enough fashion sense. In the same & only episode I watched she also shared with the remaining contestants her very most embarrassing moment of her entire glamorous life! When a photographer manipulated an up-the-skirt shot of her to be undie-less & show she had a bit of a landing strip. OH THE INHUMANITY!!!!!!! I model and tell girls how they have to look perfect, I dump my best friend Nicole Ritchie when she begins to be a prettiest person rival, my first photo shoot ever I'm with my sister were not wearing bras or anything under mesh belly shirts and were flashing perfect smiles and middle fingers and someone had the audacity to do something so horrifying as to Photoshop some hair on my hot pocket to prove I may actually be human. Girls feel they may be laughed at because we allow them to idolize tools like Paris Hilton, who cant actually be blamed because I'm sure she is the way she is because of years of objectifying from an absent mother or father.

The article also states a child psychiatrist’s opinion:

“This is another example of how younger and younger girls are being sexualized and objectified.”

I couldn't agree more! A jerky jock may laugh at you in a few years so lets just wax it away now! Like it never existed… in my opinion, if her locker room ends up being anything like mine she may get laughed at because it never comes and like be regarded as a freak of nature. Another quote adds this is making women think they all need to look like little girls – this is what men what. How sickening is that to think? That men want to be with crotches that look like 8 year olds. Does the salon know what they are supporting, its like they are telling their clients “men are pedophiles! Play into their fantasies! And teach your 8 year old how to now!” is that not something that can be pulled form their “service”

Let me muse one more aspect… I barely like getting my eyebrows waxed every 6 weeks and I'm 23 years old, IT HURTS! I can only imagine what kind of pain an 8-year-old girl would have to experience getting her entire vajayjay waxed. That’s purposely putting your daughter though pain – isn't that child abuse? Not to mention the emotional abuse with putting how she need the perfect body in her mind. I know there are the few people that'll argue, if the hair isn't darkened & course yet, it isn't as painful to remove, but EVERYONE has had a band aid ripped off arm hair or such – that hair isn't darkened and course and it still hurts, so go somewhere else with your sneaky pedophilia objective ways! And shall I bring up, (not that id want this, I want some hair on a mans chest & some hair on a mans… elsewhere) but is the same salon advertising the same service for 8-year-old boys? Or is it okay for boys but not for girls? How is that fair?

I’m disturbed that the salon is even offering it, but even more disturbed that the salon is quoted as saying it’s a big booming business! Parents are actually allowing this! If you can't find other uses for your extra money like starving children or curing aides then a) you don’t deserve a beautiful miracle of a child, b) you’re a lousy excuse of a being if you don’t see how objectifying this is & how curing aides is more important and c) your disgusting & degrading & deserve to be locked up for thinking your child isn't beautiful the way she is.

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