“The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonprofit, non-partisan, organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States. By improving policy, building capacity, and educating opinion leaders, the Alliance has become a leading voice on this issue.”
That sums it up. Someone somewhere at sometime had a thinky thought and decided to stand up and believe in something to better ones community. If your not understanding what I mean, it is black history month, who comes to mind if I say one man had a dream? Martin Luther King jr. he had a dream for equality for all races, for world that could live in harmony, and he worked hard in a time that was even harder for a guy like him to be heard, and then was martyred for his thinky thoughts.
I’m not saying go out there and get your self killed. You can do that without dreams, people find their selves in gang crossfire all the time. I’m saying give a heck about people other then yourself.
A big problem in America, possibly as big or bigger then gangs & drugs & apathetic teens & the like, is homelessness. About 250,000 people in families are homeless, there are a reported 131,000 homeless veterans in the U.S, & About 50,000 youth in the U.S. sleep on the street for six months or more. This is just what is reported. There are many reasons for homelessness but I bet every one of them can be drawn back to: somewhere along the line someone didn’t care.
It is very cliché for me to say charity begins at home… but its true. I know there are homeless in various other parts of the world & we are all born selfish pampered Americans, but a lot of those countries deny help. Do what you can and end it here where people are willing to take a helping hand.
You know this charity is non-for profit, that means everything you donate goes to ending/finding solutions to ending homelessness.
Be a home maker: