Remember the story of the mayflower? And how all the pilgrims were starving until a greatly tanned and noble man named Squanto came and taught them how to grow corn and helped them fish? And then there was thanksgiving and the pilgrims and Native Americans lived happily ever after. Until ol’ whitey got greedy and wanted more land, then the man provided native Americans with blankets full of diseases and many times murdered tribes without even trying to ask them to leave first. Oh and if whitey didn’t murder them they forcefully “repositioned” them by making them WALK thousands of miles in winter with out proper clothing, shoes, water, food, etc. to a new less fertile destination. (Wikipedia the trail of tears son)
Then Mel Gibson portrays Native Americas as savages in his sucky “Patriot” movie when we were just returning to you how we had been shown you wanted to be treated…
While I'm at it, did you know before the trail of tears happened a very distinguished and democratic tribe known as the Cherokee which were one of the first cultures to set up an alphabet and joined way of speech (Wikipedia Sequoia) went to our congress with a very mapped out plan of how the two cultures could work together in peace? But because the forefathers found Sequoia’s accent peculiar and he was a bit pigmented then them they rejected anything the good natured Cherokees said.
(And we wonder why America has such a bad rep…)
Just by reading the name “Native Americans” you understand somewhere someone admitted we were here first. And yet close to nothing was done to relieve our suffering. Yes I’m only like a quarter Native America… but the wicked ways of white folk has even affected my family in generations as close as my great grandmother. ANYWAY…
I'm not going to plead too much of a case. The fund is set up to help aid a once rich culture that now has nearly nothing in aiding their youth to get a good education. I want to point out in the popular twilight movies – no Indianans are not werewolves – but even in that movie there was a) division and b) silly white kids making fun of Jacob because he was “different” (and then the white people make fun of the Cullens for being too white – WTF?!!?) anyway, just as America has decided to give back in a reachable way to say the African Americans (minority rights etc) lets give back to the people who helped us retain life to the very first white folk in the Americas
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