I’d like to interrupt your regularly scheduled program of class & causes to open your eyes to idiocracy and in my opinion douche-baggery…
Have you heard this week is atheist awareness week?
Yes a week that is seems carefully planned to line up with many a religious observance.
WTFROG?!?!?!?! “Atheist Awareness” ill have you know I am very aware you’re here. In fact I see your statuses all the time demeaning my intelligence & feel your judgment & close minded-ness often. That’s right. I AM accusing you of being just as you see religious folk – close-minded, judgmental, & just plain mean.
Ask anybody, I really do respect everyone’s beliefs no matter how different they are, and it is my right as a human being to sometime challenge your beliefs, but never do I tell you you’re wrong, you’re stupid, you’re devoid of reason, little blind sheep, shut out of reality, lies to children, you have a low intelligence rate…
<<< all things said to me recently. When I never once tried to shove what I believed down their throat. What I was doing was keep the side of the argument “I'm entitled to my own beliefs.” And just as these atheist always say they are entitled to believe as they want – those very people were telling me because I don’t believe they way they do that I was or do all those terrible things.
I know your week is supposed to say “I don’t believe in God but I’m still a good person” but during your week I’d like to tell you – I DO believe in God and I’m still a good person. Do not lump me into the crusades or Westborough Baptist church (there IS something to be said for their passion – whether it be appropriate or not – at least they have an immense amount of it). I'd like to see anyone call me a bad person.
My point being, (although my character is very heavily defined by my faith) my intelligence rate, sense of reality, & being-a-good-person-ness should not be measured by how I believe. Because after all your week is about “people like me” not doing the same thing to you.
P.S. I’d like to add, I DO think this entire week thing is dumb.
A) There isn’t a “religion week.” Also, the lightheartedness of the matter at hand makes breast cancer and such seem belittled. I think cancer is a much bigger matter then if one knows you may or may not believe in God.
B) Atheists are annoyed by religious stuff everywhere, like if we really or such… your being like us – don’t you see that.
C) Your harsh way towards me is exactly like me “shoving my beliefs down your throat” I repeat, you are, in fact, doing THEE SAME EXACT THING!
D) And totally off topic I was told earlier this week in my “I’m entitled to my own beliefs” argument I was told "religion now comes to us in this smiley-face, ingratiating way because it’s had to give so much ground and because we know so much more. But you have no right to forget the way it behaved when it was strong, and when it really did believe it had God on its side." I want to stand up for myself and say I did not forget how it’s been in the past; I myself at church am still fighting it. I DO live by the Bible yet some people at church make me out to be something different than that. When the truth is I am different – but different from them. It is because I am sorry on how religion has behaved in the past and still behaves that I choose to be different. I have not had to give back anything, blessed are the peace makers & I make it my business to follow that. If it means that I need to be open minded, that’s the way I choose to be, so be it. But never will I think it’s fair that you lump me into some group that YOU think hates homosexuals or blows up abortion clinics. It is unfair that as soon as I state my faith you lump me into a group that is wide eyed & ignorant to sensitivity and automatically presume I enjoy war. And never will I allow you to insult my intelligence when I’m really just looking for you to see that I am entitled to all the same rights and respect as you even though our belief be different. I am still entitled. I believe in God – but I love homosexuals, I forgive women who have & doctors who perform abortions, I respect your mind & belief (or lack thereof) because I BELIEVE God made you that way. Also “because we know so much more…” what do you know? Please answer me that. Do you want to hear what I know? I KNOW that we are made in his image. I KNOW he is the creator, the giver and taker, the alpha & omega. How do I know all this? Because I OPEN MY MIND to the possibility. I have never decided something is wrong just because I think it could be. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Only him knowing how long forever is.
And oh yes:
Dear Heavenly Father, My God – God, bless these atheist. Let them open their minds to possibility & to creativity. Let them open their mind to loving human beings, & free will, & me, and people no matter their orientation or belief. And Lord, help them see me in the right light – being your heavenly light, but conveying I am a beacon of kindness, joy, peace, patience, loyalty, and most of all love. Amen.
Tune in next week for your regular scheduled programming: habitat for humanity.