Did you hear the one about the man in the turban…
No no this isn’t the beginning to a really racist but mostly funny joke (everyone’s a little bit racist) this is a news story.
Did you hear about the complaints to an airport about their security? It seems the searched a child and a white soccer mom but failed to search a man in a turban… AND PEOPLE ARE MAD?!!?!? Okay, maybe searching the kid was a bit much but come on people drug dealers smuggle drugs in diapers & formula canisters and so on… do you not think terrorists, bombers, and psychotic killers can't think of the same similar technique? And HELLO the like of the same people try to blend in I.E. the soccer mom… but airport security is NOT racist & stereotyping & lets a man in a religious turban go by and we are furious? Am I the only one who sees the idiotocrocy in this? If he wanted to bomb don’t you think he wouldn’t want to fit the stereotype? DUH!
Also… I'm hearing there is a such thing beginning – an epidemic really – of Oprah withdrawal disorder… really? Because you got so used to watching her every day? Watch re-runs, that’s what simpson-holics do. Granted, they still make new episodes… but not many. Really people – America is among the most obese in the world get of the fricken couch & listen to some tapes on learning a new language while jogging a few laps followed by a protein bar rather than being racist & couch potatoes… the world will get by without a crazy woman who fights for black rights then stereotypes them on air on national television all while believing she’s a prophet sent from God who she also thinks is dead but has a shinning piece of him living in all of us… look it up… she said that.
And while I’m at it, I want to constantly reaffirm my stance on kids having kinds… tweeners & the like: please keep it in your pants slash keep your legs closed. You’re getting married too soon and raising our divorce rates as well as giving love the wrong name…
That is all.