So the news is bleak, the kidney exchange is now cancelled. So no pictures or news to be reported. However, it could be just postponed. So were thinking happy thoughts about that.
Instead: It ain't easy being green… or anything really.
Life isn’t easy. Nothing ever is, except breathing- it comes naturally, but dontcha know it… asthma comes and screws that up for some people too. What is the easiest way to make it through life? Positivity and love..
Positivity is easy: look on the bright side. Sure sad thoughts can creep in, but you talk to friend and your back in a good place.
It’s the love that is hard. Something that can happen so suddenly and out of the blue that is so delightful and easy-to-feel… it isn’t always so easy.
“Love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself, love has no pride”.
Love is never tired of waiting – it is patient. When someone has trust issues or anger issues or self esteem issues or any issues at all. You do not distance yourself and let them deal; you are there with them through thick and thin and help them deal. You are your loves wall and support; you want nothing more than to help them. When your love has wronged you and said sorry you forgive them and hope they never wrong you in the same way again, but if they do, you forgive again. You forgive and forgive and forgive, it’s what love does. It conquers all, it erases all, and it eases all.
Love is kind – it is nice, sympathetic, caring, generous, benevolent, compassionate, courteous, lenient, tolerant, and understanding. One does out of their way to please their love. When it is seemingly unappreciated or goes unnoticed, one tolerates loves burdens, because it makes you happier than anything to make your love happy. When your love is ailing, you ail too, for no other reason other than you care, value, and cherish this person. You give and give and give infinity then some to your love and ask for nothing in return. When this seems unfair to outsiders, you do not care, this is your love and you do all you can even when they wrong you, because you have forgiven them, and through love you are renewed of spirit and give some more. One never brings up past wrong doings, though love all is forgiven. If your love does wrong to you, you shrug it off, and forget the wrongdoing – your love has sought forgiveness and for you this is enough. And in a full circle when your relationship seems desolate – you are kind. Because love is kind - and this is love.
Love has no envy – it does not compare itself to other love. People are different and so is love between two people. It is not discontented – it is happy for what it has. It is not resentful or longing or wishing for something more. Love does not desire something different. Love desires what it has.
Love has no high opinion of its self. Love is fair. When you are great your love is great. In a disagreement love does not bring up past transgressions and how you were merciful then and you have no forgiveness left. When you have forgiven greatly you continue to because love has no bounds. It continues forever.
Love has no pride. Plain and simple – in love you will always go the distance. You hide nothing. When privacy matters in your life, for your love it is not needed because in love your love is all you need. Love is not “look what I did” love is “what can we do together.” In all sappy-ness – love is never having to say you’re sorry – this is truth, because when your love wrongs you, you have already forgiven them.
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
In love you fall hard. In love you forgive hard. In love you love hard. This is the way it should be and in all instances love is jaded and wears wool on its eyes. Because you want nothing more then to see your love as great. Because when your love is great – you are great.
Love is something that can’t fully be defined. You find this single soul you’re incredibly infatuated with and you’d give a kidney to make them happy. Love does not tally rights and wrong and who won. When you commit yourself to loving one another you are both always right, always wrong, and always winning together. it is a tragically beautiful thing. It’s not all butterflies and kisses, it can be rough and painful – but it is worth it.
Love is.