[BLOG] Estrogen Nut
"Horrible Bosses & More"

Horrible bosses...

I’m not talking about the movie...

Don’t bosses make you so angry sometimes? You mess up once and they are all about writing you up but they never want to see how amazing you do your job 99.9 % of the time or how you rescued them...

Have you ever wanted something so bad you can more than taste it? It’s like you can feel it rattling your bones & pulsing thorough your veins?? Yeah.... what a predicament.

Are you appalled by how Casey Anthony got off Scott free??? Okay... I get you couldn’t determine that she actually killed the child... BUT she obviously is guilty of neglect! She admits to not calling for 31 days! And you convicted her of lying... why would she lie if she had nothing to hide?

Doesn’t mayonnaise disturb you?

THE LAST LUNAR LAUNCH?!?!?!?!?! What the heck! It’s the final frontier and we haven’t frontier-ed it yet!

What ever happened to Amelia Earhart?

P.S. Aren’t you just excited to see the next DLP production!!!?!

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