"Shits Week!"

I honestly had so much planned to b-log about, and now that I sit here, I draw a blank, . . . .

. . . . . . see? Isn’t that blank pretty? Anyways, I figure the best way to process the week into words is to go day by day.

Monday, Nov. 30th, 2009 – I barely remember this day. Mondays are kind of like that now, at 32. Mondays are pretty much my version of a 21 year old’s weekend all jammed into one night, which is not particularly wise in retrospect. Mondays are the days when certain events take place that apparently anger people Tuesday morning. Let’s just skip Monday.

Tuesday, Nov. 31st/Dec. 1st 2009 – I’m starting to realize that perhaps years of excessive marijuana usage is. . . excessive. Don’t quite remember if President Obama’s address was this day or the day before. However, I watched it, and, well, this is just me being totally unbiased about it. I can possibly understand, given a totally different economic upbringing and possibly being born white in a conservative, hardcore christian/extremely hatefully patriotic household, why someone would be anti-Obama. As he’s giving his speech about the process of getting people out of Bush’s bullshit, it caught my attention that he OVER pronounces the names of countries in said region of the world. Even I thought it was a bit much for the President to be ethnically pronouncing words like Taliban and Pakistan, like a newscaster over pronounces hispanic names, in reference to the whole 9/11 thing. What REALLY caught my attention was this para-phrased qoute; “….Islam, one of the greatest religions in the world. . .”. I mean, kinda unnecessary under the circumstances. Seriously dude, where were you born? Hawaii? lol

Wednesday, Dec. 2nd & Thursday, Dec. 3rd 2009 – Anybody who knows me knows all I’ve wanted since I was 18 was a baby girl. Fortunately I was blessed with her on July 31st, 2007. Most who have known me since I was 21 know I’ve always shuttered at the thought of having a “baby’s mother”. Unfortunately I was cursed with that approximately 9 months prior to my daughter’s birth. With this being said, anyone out there with a mother to a child, whom you are no longer with, know of my constant dilemma. I won’t get into details, out of respect and shame of course, but let’s just say, alot of Eminem’s old songs about Kim are starting to make alot of sense to me now. Oh yeah, for anyone taking tally, I’ve now dislocated my shoulder an official 32 times now. . . . . Maybe that rotater cuff surgery won’t be such a bad idea once I’m in position to improve myself non cosmetically.

Friday, Dec. 4th, 2009 – After taking care of a few important situations that directly affect my immediate future, I’m off to my first Fashion Bomb concert at the Double Door in Chicago. Not just as a fan, because honestly, I wasn’t before the show. My good friend Michael Goodpaster does Web Design for the band. The band just recently got signed to a major label, and the show was their release party for their second CD “Visions Of A Lifted Veil”. I am NOT a fan of death metal, however I AM a musician and CAN appreciate an artist or group for their artistic vision, stage performance, and overall business savvy. Working with these guys, (I assisted Mikey in some video work), was pretty fucking awesome. Val, Acid, Trace, and Justin/Drone1 were really good guys. I was happy for Mikey also, because with all the work he’s put into the design of things, from merchandise shirts to their web page, it seems as he’s getting closer to actually being where he wants to me career wise. Alot of people (specifically “Region” folk) don’t comprehend the non blue collar/creative side of seeing, eating, smelling, breathing, and living. It’s always a slight sigh of relief when you gain access to certain oppurtunities that help you do the things you WANT to do, and not have to compromise, succumb, or just plain give in to society’s view of what you SHOULD be doing. The show was great, the night was great, and I wish everyone involved continue success. *****Side Note**** Happy Birthday Sean Carter!

Saturday, Dec. 5th, 2009 – Woke up from a long night of filming and loud music. As for the rest of the day? Please refer to Wed./Thurs. ****Side Note**** I got to catch Saturday Night Live, and let me just say, not since Dick In The Box and Motherlover, have I felt so much love for a Digital Short. Rihanna (whom I’m not the biggest fan of) and Shy Ronnie (whom now, with the exception of Jay-Z, is my favorite emcee) did their effing thing! Andy Samberg is truly a comedic genius in my eyes, and he’s starting to become a bit of an idol for me. Like Jews and Moses, or Cathos and Mary, I’m starting to look past the obvious heroes and focus on the unsung. This sketch was a solid 3rd place as highlight of the week, only falling under the Fashion Bomb show and hanging out with Kayla. If you ain’t seen it, fucking watch it!!!!!! It should show up below, if not try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAMjrCnVXt8

And now today. . . . I’m trying to get my Sabbath on, but people still find ways to eat away at my greatness. Ah well, Another week, another chance for greatness.

Nuff Said,

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