Robert Arroyo, aka Robert John, aka Robert A. from the reality show
"Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too", is a local aspiring
actor/writer from Northwest Indiana (also known as Chicago to
outsiders). He is one of the newest members of the Digital Lizard
Production family, his debut being the next episode of "Nocturnal
Emissions with Steven Thomas Darrell". Last Monday, the first episode of
Love Games 2 premiered on the Oxygen channel, and not too long
afterwards, I interviewed Robert to get his thoughts on the
foolishness of finding love on a Reality Show and the dangers of
radioactive douchery levels. Enjoy.
1. So, first off congrats on the episode premiere tonight. How did it feel watching yourself on a reality show, overall.
Thankyou. Thankyou . Appreciate it man. Honestly it felt pretty surreal. A little nervous. I just wanted to see how it came out. You know what you shot, what's being filmed, but you never know what's actually going to be aired, and how your portrayed.
2. Out of the three, Lea, Amber, and Natalie, who’s the hottest one in person? Who is actually the most tolerable to be around or talk to?
My personal opinion. And this is my personal opinion, LOL. The hottest one in person is Lea. Scratch all the tattoos, and if you look at her features, her eyes, tone, complexion, she is very beautiful. Don't get me wrong Amber and Nat are gorgeous too, but Lea has that it factor. Whose actually the most tolerable to be around or talk to, umm they all are.. Lol. They are each on totally different ends of the spectrum. All 3 are complete opposites so you get different personalities from each and it’s pretty intriguing.
3. When you watch an episode pretty much condense a few days of shooting into an hour program, how does it feel? Like are there some major things they didn't even air that you remember happening?
Haha good question. Of course there are things that didn't air. Not everything is going to make it. Not everything You want or remember is going to make it. But that's what the Internet is for. You could get different sneek peaks on different sites, on YouTube and stuff.
4. Where would you rate the douchery level of these guys you're competing with?
Where would I rate the Douchery levels ? LMAO. I say 4. Two points for each dude I thought was a douche. Actually most of the cats on the show I'm still close with today, and they are pretty cool. It’s TV. So it's all on portrayal but when you’re not filming you get a chance to talk and just be guys and bullshit.
5. You realize you're gonna be known solely for your Rock Paper Say Shoot skills now, right?
lol. Maybe . I hope not that’s all that I'm known for. I got skills though, lol . You want to shoot right now ....?
6. As an aspiring actor do you find it tempting to get on there and just play a role, seeing as Reality shows are kinda known for not being necessarily scripted, but definitely herded certain ways for story purposes, wouldn't it be funny to just create a character and just run with it? This providing you're not actually looking for love with one of the Bad Girls Club girls.
Yes I am an aspiring actor. And you DO get tempted but in the end it's a reality show. And you want to be real. The rest of the cast aren't actors, and you want to be real with them. And this is an opportunity for people to kind of see the real me, Not portraying different characters. It would be pretty funny to create a character, but like I said I took this as more of an opportunity to see ME. And NOT The Actor.
7. Where does the crew sleep? And how many of them are there exactly, roaming around constantly filming?
Where does the crew sleep . LOL. I don't even know . It felt like they didn't sleep , I thought they were slaves the way they were working, lmao. How many crew members were there ? It All Depended on where we were filming. Remember these guys (Bunim-Murray) are the best in the world at what they do, they did a phenomenal job of making everything feel natural.
8. What's your favorite room in the house?
My Favorite room in the house isn't really a room it's more of a spot . It's where we worked out at. If you look in the background you can see the whole city of LA. Ima Cali kid. Wait I should say I'm a Chicago Boy who loves Cali. And from that spot at night you can see everything . One of the most beautiful views. When ai go back to LA in the fall I think I'm going to buy that mansion just for the view, lol.
9. At this point in the season, which is one episode deep, had anyone banged one of the girls yet?
Had anyone banged anyone yet ? Due to contractual reasons I Am Not Obliged to say. Sorry , I guess you'll have to tune in next week to see.
10. Fair enough. Based on what you know, seeing as you obviously don't wanna give away when or even if you're eliminated, do you expect the season to be appealing to those who followed season 1?
I expect this season to be very appealing to viewers from season one. We have a better cast I think. Or should I say a more popular cast . And Tanisha is a one person show herself so you can't go wrong there. So thankyou all so much. Tune in next to Love Games Season 2 9pm on oxygen. Like my facebook fan page @RobertJay and follow me on twitter #RobertJohn3 . Thanks again.