DLP's Keith Evans appears the NWI Times.
This past Sunday the Times of Northwest Indiana once again included Digital Lizard Productions LLC in it’s fine publication. A few weeks ago, Mike Goodpaster was officially recognized as Executive Producer of the recently formed LLC. In this week’s Business section, the newspaper shared the official announcement of Keith Evans being recognized as an Associate Producer of Digital Lizard Productions LLC.
This news item is pretty much a technicality announcement as Keith Evans has been a vital part of Digital Lizard Productions and has already been credited as a producer on many projects.
 Keith Evans (2014)
Digital Lizard Productions LLC, Keith Evans, and everyone within the production team is humbled by the response and attention we’ve been getting so far in 2014.
“Every time we see the company’s name in print it’s surreal and never taken for granted.” said Executive Producer Mike Goodpaster. He added, “I don’t know where Digital Lizard would be without Keith Evans and I can’t imagine him not being part of the future of our company. He is Digital Lizard as much as anyone.”
Keith Evans stared in two of DLP’s movies, was the title character of all four seasons of the web series “Nocturnal Emissions with Steven Thomas Darrell”, starred in his own stand-up comedy special “Local Hero”, and is currently co-host of the daily DLP discussion show “First World Answers”.
Currently Keith Evans can be found in most of DLP’s projects as well on a stage near you performing stand-up comedy in the Midwest. For more from Keith as well as his upcoming dates, visit his Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/Evans.From.The.Heavens