Week In Review 4/5/14
Digital Lizard Productions in review for the first week of April 2014.

It’s WrestleMania weekend! These “Week In Review” entries are typically posted and released on Sundays, but due to the holiday I’m putting it out a day early.

We had another productive and exciting week here at Digital Lizard Productions. Just when you thought we’d slow down we start throwing more and more awesomeness at your face. You can try to duck it but you’re still going to get hit with the awesome content and news we throw out there.

In the next two weeks or so we’ll probably slow down a little though. We have to take SOME “closed set” time to create new content to share and unleash on you all. I have at least two shooting days on the horizon along with a couple possiblities that could lead to even MORE content. This would be stuff that we didn't have in our 2014 game plan so it's a definate bonus!

But then again, probably not. We’ll be busy regardless. I can pretty much confirm that in the upcoming week we'll be dropping one or two NEW columns to add to the mix. I'm pretty sure it'll be Tuesdays and Thursdays just to fill the void in between the normal run of Random Movie Reviews, Savage Animals, Rant and Raves, and all of that. I've read a samples of BOTH of these columns and I'm thrilled to have them on board as we move forward. You won't be disapointed.

So basically, the news might be a little light but the content will be as strong as ever and hitting a whole new level right around the corner. Take a breath when you can, we're not letting up.

Every small business, cause and entertainer needs to have an online presence. As you can clearly see by the numbers we’ve racked up, the content we’ve shared, and constant innovation DLP specializes in digital media and promotions. For the first time in our seven plus years of being around and making an impact, we’re opening our doors to helping YOU.

On Monday we announced that Digital Lizard Productions has expanded its doors to offer marketing, promotion, design, and video services. Our work and passion speak for itself. If you or anyone you know could use a digital make-over, a foot in the social media door, or marketing direction please send them our way.
-Click Here for the DLP Promotions Website!-

As seen in The Times of Northwest Indiana, Keith Evans’s “street cred” is now taking a backseat to his “corporate cred”. I mean he’ll still say the most ridiculous and vulgar things imaginable, but now he’ll do it with even more class and swagger. Not that cheap kind of kiddie rap “swagger” either. I’m talking full on Rat Pack.

If you saw the newspaper or if you saw the news on DLP’s own website, you’d know that there was an official announcement of Keith Evans being recognized as an Associate Producer of Digital Lizard Productions LLC. It’s pretty much a technicality announcement because the dude has been a very important part of what we do here at DLP and has been credited as a producer on many projects.

Keith Evans stared in two of DLP’s movies, was the title character of all four seasons of the web series “Nocturnal Emissions with Steven Thomas Darrell”, starred in his own stand-up comedy special “Local Hero”, and is currently co-host of the daily DLP discussion show “First World Answers”.

It doesn’t end there. Along with these examples of Keith’s DLP impact, we have a few massive projects up our sleeves that we’ll be sharing in the near and not-so-near future. This isn’t even including him resurrecting his well-received column from a few years ago “Evans From the Heavens”. If all of this isn’t enough, go see him do his thing on a stage near you.
-Click Here for Keith’s Facebook Page!-
-Click Here for The NWI Times Article!-

“FIRST WORLD ANSWERS” is up and going! The first week was a pretty sweet success and this past week just built on that even more. If you missed out, the concept is simple. The comedian extraordinaire Keith Evans and I take a few minutes of your time every week day to discuss a random topic and question. We’ve all heard the phrase “first world problems” in regards to silly and pointless issues. We provide the “First World Answers” and encourage YOU, the awesome viewer, to check it out and share your answer to the daily discussion.

If you missed ANY of last week’s episodes you can find them below. Watch & Comment!:
006 : What is the Best Spirit Animal?
007 : What is the “Best” Non-“Ice Ice Baby” Vanilla Ice Song?
008 : What is the “Mount Rushmore” of SNL?
009 : The Best Way to Sneak Into America?
010 : The Best Finishing Move in WWE?

Here’s the line-up of “first world problems” that we’ll be providing “FIRST WORLD ANSWERS” to this upcoming week:
011 : Who Will Main Event WrestleMania 31?
012: Would You Rather Be a Vampire, Werewolf or Wizard?
013 : What is the Greatest Canned Good?
014 : What is the “Best” Limp Bizkit Song?
015 : Would You Rather Meet an Alien or Meet an Angel?
-Click Here for ALL the Episodes!-

On Thursday, another Digital Lizard Productions web special was officially announced. After quietly working on it over the past year, I’ve taken a little time here and little time there to write, shoot, direct, and star in UNPAID PROGRAMMING: PART TWO! Part 2 has over a dozen more commercials where old characters return, new characters show up, and even more craziness ensues. I hope it’s as fun to watch as it has been to make.

It’ll be weird to watch to the final product because if you know me you’d know that I’ve been in a weight loss war. You’ll see chubby me, chubbier me, and even a smaller me play the variety of characters and deliver the best performance I can. It’s not perfect and I’m sure some of it will be “hit and miss”, but it will be worth your time.

Part 2 will be released soon! Most likely within the next month or so, but don’t be surprised to see it pop up out of nowhere like a ninja! While you impatiently wait for Part Two to be released take some time and refresh yourself with the original 18 commercial sketches!
-Click Here for Unpaid Programming!-

READ MY STUFF! (please!)
This week I shared more of my words with you all. The same columns saw new topics and discussions brought up and all in all it was a good week for blogs and columns.

On Monday I reviewed the trailer for Alan Partridge. Wednesday’s movie review was for the underrated “Old Boy”. Friday was rant/n/rave day as I shared my WrestleMania XXX predictions and worried. Sunday came early this week as I put out my weekly “Savage Animal”. This week, I concluded my NIN month with Part 2 of “One Fan to Another: Nine Inch Nails” where I took the time to examine why I was such a huge fan and why I’ve slowly lost my connection as I’ve gotten older. Lots of writing! I can’t wait to debut the new columns so every single word isn’t written by me on this site. *day dreams* That’ll be the day…

Holy crap! What a busy week!

Happy WrestleMania!

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- rant/n/rave
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- Worst Case Scenario

- The Moving Men
- All the Love in the World
- Upping The Ante
- Behind The Lifted Veil (doc)
- Local Hero (stand up special)

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- Nocturnal Emissions
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- Stand Up Suicide
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