Week In Review 4/20/14
Digital Lizard Productions in review for the third week of April 2014.

We’ve not had to put out a press release or big news item in a week or two, but that doesn’t mean we’re fading away. Not in the least bit. While we’re not in your faces with tons of new stuff, we’re focused and working hard behind the scenes on new blogs and new video content!

This has been another “quiet week” in DLP-land. But we’ve proven that even when we are having a “quiet week” we can still crank out quality content for YOU, the DLP reader and fan, to enjoy. We continue to deliver a new episode of “First World Answers” every week day will be doing so for the foreseeable future. We continue to unleash our opinions and creative process with the blogs and columns that come out just about every day. In fact, we’ve added a few columns in recent weeks and will continue to expand our already broad horizon.

A new web series is being discussed, a few web specials are being finalized and we’re in the veeeery early stages of preparing for preproduction on DLP’s long awaited next feature length movie. It’s truly a great time to be in DLP and a fan of what we do.

We’re continuing to solve all your “first world problems” every weekday with our new hit web show “First World Answers”! We have the first twenty episodes up and have at least a few more weeks’ worth under our belt ready to release and share with you’z people.

We’ve gotten some great response so far and we PLEAD with you to continue to like, comment, and share. While it only takes YOU a few minutes a day to watch and enjoy, it takes us time to shoot, discuss, edit, save/render, post, and promote. We do it out of personal enjoyment, but it would be nice to see and hear that we’re not doing this for our own shits and giggles. The view count continues to rise so we KNOW you’re watching. Speak up, folks!

If you missed ANY of last week’s episodes you can find them below. Watch & Comment!:
016 : You Have $3 and Taxes Don’t Exist. What Do You Order From McDonalds?
017 : What is the Best Jock Jams Song?
018 : What is the Greatest Canned Good?
019 : Sisqo or Nelly?
020 : What is the Best “Last Supper”?

Here’s the line-up of “first world problems” that we’ll be providing “FIRST WORLD ANSWERS” to this upcoming week:
021 : What is the Best Nickname for Marijuana?
022 : Who is the Best Tag Team of All Time?
023 : Who is the Coolest Fictitious Dinosaur?
024 : What Was the Best 90’s Tabloid Scandal?
025 : What is the “Mount Rushmore” of SNL Hosts?
-Click Here for ALL the Episodes!-

Every small business, cause and entertainer needs to have an online presence. As you can clearly see by the numbers we’ve racked up, the content we’ve shared, and constant innovation DLP specializes in digital media and promotions. For the first time in our seven plus years of being around and making an impact, we’re opening our doors to helping YOU.

If you or anyone you know could use a digital make-over, a foot in the social media door, or marketing direction please send them our way.
-Click Here for the DLP Promotions Website!-

READ OUR STUFF! (c’mon, just do it!)
This was a great week for the DLP Blog section. Tons of awesome content was put out there. Meanwhile, I’ve decided to end my run of “The Savage Animal”. I’ve been writing this column since before DLP existed on 411mania.com. Times and motivations have certainly changed since 2006. The decision was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. Within the next two months the column will officially be over with. Next week I’ll share WHY I’m moving on specifically from the MASSIVELY popular website 411mania.com and ponder some potential replacement blogs for DLP. Don’t panic. I will continue to write and share my thoughts here at DigitalLizardProductions.com

One door closes and another opens as “K.L.” debuted her new column “The Bump Factory”. She used to write for the site under the blog “Estrogen Nut” and has appeared in multiple web shows and two of the DLP movies. She’s starting her journey into professional wrestling and this new feature will share her experiences, mindset, and influences. So far, it’s been a good read.

Keith dropped the second return “Evans From the Heavens” with a blog titled “She Is Woman”. He playfully covers the hypocritical side of feminism. The best response to the blog was from a female DLP supporter was “Oh, fuck off”. What would spark THAT kind of reaction? Read the column and find out!

Stay tuned!

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- Upping The Ante
- Behind The Lifted Veil (doc)
- Local Hero (stand up special)

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