Week In Review 6/15/14
Digital Lizard Productions in review for the third week of June 2014.

I could have skipped this “Week in Review”. Not a whole lot has happened on the forefront. We continue to chug forward with the release of the same awesome columns and the same awesome episodes of “First World Answers”. It’s not like there’s NOTHING going on though…

* There is growth in our fan base of readers, viewers, and social media connections.

* There has been some behind the scenes work on the website and specifically the video hosting side of things. By the end of the month, or in the least early next month, I’ll be dropping a press release explaining DLP’s change and future direction. I’ve been deep into dealing with this situation and it’s REALLY time consuming. In the long run I think this will be a great thing for Digital Lizard. More to come in the next press release.

* Preproduction plans on an upcoming project is slowly taking shape. This project is currently in the early stages of planning, designing, and preparations. Lots of brainstorming and plotting. It’s coming together really nicely and I’m excited to see how it all comes together. If it does at all.

* “One door closes another opens” is a common phrase. If this is true then I’m going to knock that door down, drag it out back, light it on fire, stomp on the ashes and dance on them until there is no physical or memorable sign of said door. When you put in hours, days, weeks, months and even years into something you don’t just “want” results, you down right NEED them. After going through just that one would hope there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Basically, I’ve taken a specific DLP project as far as I can at the moment and the rest is out of my hands. I’m going to do myself the favor and take a step back and let things happen. If they do, it’ll be life changing. If they don’t, I’m going to have to destroy a few of those doors that’ll have to open to replace the time and passion of the one that’s being slammed shut.

Three months and counting! I’d like to get to 100 episodes/20 weeks, but who knows? I’m considering altering the show’s format, but again… who knows? The feedback is always fun and it’s cool to see people’s opinions on our opinions. Who knows?

If you missed ANY of last week’s episodes you can find them below. Watch & Comment!:
056 : Who is the Biggest Sell Out in Hip Hop?
057: What is the Best Foreign Object in Wrestling?
058 : Who’d Win: The Leprechaun vs. Chucky The Doll?
059 : What is the Best Kevin Smith Movie?
060 : Who is the Best TV Father?

THEN… the line-up of “first world problems” that we’ll be providing “FIRST WORLD ANSWERS” to this upcoming week:
061 : What Will Smith Role Would You Have Given to Tupac Shakur if He Had Lived?
062: What Filmmaker Would You Like To See as the WWE Head Of Creative?
063 : Who is the Best TV Neighbor of All Time?
064 : What is the Best Hockey Movie?
065 : What is the Best SNL Recurring Sketch to Not Get a Movie?
-Click Here for ALL the Episodes!-

Stay tuned!

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