Seven years since Moving Men! Plus, First World Answers wants to hear YOUR problem! Yes, yours!
Seven years ago Digital Lizard Productions found an identity. On August 23rd, at around 2 AM, outside in the thunderous down pour of a late summer storm, we wrapped shooting our first full length independent movie “The Moving Men”. After a long week, it was a crazy night. It was hot, raining, we were tired, hungry, worn out and finishing up the last scene of the movie. Shooting was done over three days and we crammed in as much as we could to leave me to edit together an 80 or so minute movie spectacular. We shot our asses off. The girls did awesome and the guys worked magic. The experience of making this movie is something I value as much as any other artistic endeavor. It was me shooting my first movie with my best friends and some really cool people. The actual movie turned out decent. It’s far from perfect, but it’s not without charm and entertainment. I can definitely watch it with less nausea than the second movie, “All the Love in the World”.
It’s just hard to believe it’s been seven years since DLP found it’s footing. Before this we shot some concert footage but didn’t have our own voice. With this we were making movies and eventually web shows and more cool series. Some faces have gone on and some have stuck around.
We’ve released some hilarious stuff. The web series rock, the comedy special is awesome and the blogs push our POV. But we’ve not really released a movie. We tried to release “Upping the Ante”, but it fell apart during production. A few years of work resulted in a very underwhelming mess. The potential rocked and we gained some from it but not enough.
In recent weeks Keith and I have been revisiting some old concepts and a dusting off some screenplays. There is an old famous phrase “seven year itch”. It turns out I’m getting pretty itchy. A new DLP movie project is on the horizon. We are years removed from our last movie project. During that time we’ve all grown as artists, performers, writers and producers. I’m exciting about what we’re CLOSE TO announcing. Take warning.
First World Answers is still on break. I said we’d be back last week and then I said we’d be back this week. We WILL be back, but not yet. We’ve just not been able to get together to shoot a new session of episodes. That said, we are not coming back next week. “First World Answers” returns in early/mid September with all new answers to all new problems.
In an effort to push our return and to make it even that much engaging and fun we’re going to be unleashing a new campaign! We are going start taking to social media to find out from YOU, the viewer, what “first world problem” we should answer. If you have an idea, check out our Facebook page and hit us up!
We know you have problems, first world problems. Let us answer those stupid problems, first world answers!
