New mockumentary experiences the bizarre world of adult film through the life story of the man who created porn music.
[April 9th, 2015] Digital Lizard Productions LLC is pleased to announce it has officially entered preproduction for its next feature length film. Mike Goodpaster will direct and Keith Evans will star in a comedy mockumentary that puts a new slant on a taboo that has seen its share of satire.
“Rusty Trombone: The Moist Chronicles of Steven Thomas Darrell” is a mockumentary that is a deep look into the life and innovative career of Steven Thomas Darrell, the first and most celebrated composter of porn music. Steven Thomas Darrell’s larger-than-life journey is told through interviews from a variety of unusual friends and associates as well as never before seen footage of the legend in his element.
Keith Evans has been “Steve Thomas Darrell” before. As the title character of talk show parody web series “Nocturnal Emissions with Steven Thomas Darrell”, Evans would interview a plethora of 80’s parody characters as the smooth talking man with no boundaries in sight.
"There's a huge chunk of him that pretty much IS me, and obviously that sort of connection makes it work and seem effortless on camera.” said star Keith Evans about getting into character. He continued, “I would have to guess that ‘Steven’ is to Mike and me what ‘Ron Burgundy’ is to Ferrell and McKay.”
The film is in the process of being casted and locations are being scouted. The digital media production company is aiming for a late 2015 release and is planning to enter the film into festivals and competitions. All movies, productions and web series including all four seasons of “Nocturnal Emissions with Steven Thomas Darrell” can be found at:, at the production company’s official YouTube channel and it’s encouraged “like” the Digital Lizard Facebook page: for immediate updates and special releases.
Digital Lizard Productions’ web presence is bold, unique and undeniable. Since 2010 has earned over 5 million page views and over 1 million video views by providing free full length films, regular web shows and specials, music performances and more. Select projects of Digital Lizard Productions are listed on the Internet Movie Database ( and can be purchased on DVD on For more information please visit:
Michael Goodpaster