I love professional wrestling. Sadly, in most cases I love it to a fault. I’ll let myself dispend believe at times, get caught up, or just accept the bizarre and strange just because. I’m totally cool with Undertaker being buried alive, John Cena being sold as “the best”, and all the other unbelievable and larger than life aspects of wrestling. In recent years they’ve been releasing movies. It started with The Rock before he cut loose and went to Disney. From there we have seen Steve Austin, Kane, Randy Orton, John Cena, and others act in WWE made films. I did enjoy Kane’s “See No Evil” and I thought Austin’s “The Condemned” was underrated. The rest I haven’t cared for. Still, that little kid wrestling fan in me wants to see wrestling socially accepted so I want to see the company branch out. Movies are a great way to do that. The problem is that when you watch a trailer like this it’s very hard to turn on your blinders. This is a motion picture that takes at least an hour and a half of my life. The issue that this just looks horrible. It looks like a made for TV movie presented on Nickelodeon during the Superbowl or Oscars. Hell, that may be giving it too much credit because “Family Channel” seems almost more adequate. I’m not saying have Triple H do blow, screw chicks, and shoot crack heads (even though I do want to see that now). I’d just like some edge and humor aimed to someone over the age of 13. Triple H is charismatic as hell and the supporting cast of Kevin Corrigan, Yeardley “Lisa Simpsons” Smith, and others could easily provide a good time. This movie looks like it should have Tom Arnold in it and I don’t mean that to insult Tom Arnold, but it’s true. It looks like “Carpool” meets “Mr. Nanny”. I really don’t want to see this and this trailer did nothing to sway me.
RELEASE DATE - 2/18/11(Limited, but will be on DVD really soon.)