This movie looks really interesting, but I just can’t get myself to get excited for it. I was a really big fan of director Duncan Jones’ “Moon”. It was a really cool movie and was really well done. You have to give him bonus points because his pops is David freakin’ Bowie, but his work does stand up on his own. He proved that with the acclaim and awesomeness of “Moon”. That movie starred Sam Rockwell. I’m a huge fan of Rockwell. Sadly, with Source Code, the dude’s second movie, it stars Jake Gyllenhaal. He’s a fine actor, but I just can’t get behind him for some reason. He takes on good roles in good movies, but he just isn’t an actor that I want to spend two hours watching. The concept of this movie is what intrigues me. I guess it’s kind of like time travel, but takes its own unique twist to it. He’s an agent who is given the mission to stop a train from blowing up and killing millions. The way to do it is to transfer into a man’s body for the last eight minutes of his life. With that he is to save the day. It apparently takes more than one try and he keeps jumping back in time into this man’s last eight minutes. There is a love interest in the lovely Michelle Monaghan. She’s a bright spot. She typically does well in pretty much everything I’ve seen her in. There is something about this movie that gives me two train of thoughts. The first is that it’s going to be a task to watch. I’m going to have to pretty much force myself to watch this one, but I’m positive I will. The second is that I’m going to really like this movie. I have a soft spot for really creative takes on science fiction folklore. That’s what I loved about “Moon”. The trailer tells a lot, but I still feel like I don’t know what’s going on here. I’m going to try to get past my issues with Jake and just give this one a chance. Bonus points if Jones uses his dad’s music…