There are way too many superhero movies these days! That said, a good movie is a good movie. I’m shocked to say this myself, but the footage released for Green Lantern makes it appear as if it will be a good movie. I’m not a huge comic nerd. I had a few Supes and I got into Spawn for like three months during my teens. Other than that, I know the basics. Somehow I’ve missed the boat COMPLETELY on the Green Lantern. I knew the logo, but I hadn’t the slightest clue about anything else. I didn’t know his super power, his story, or anything. Despite people around me being a fan, it was just never something I cared about. So even though I am a fan of Ryan Reynolds, I didn’t care about this movie. The first trailer came out and I shrugged it off. I’m more interested in Thor JUST because of the Iron Man/Avengers tie in. That all changed when I got a good look at the “Wondercon 2011” footage they put out. I’m thinking they got a whiff of the anti-excitement from the internet about it and had to do something quick. So they put out this incredible looking 4 or so minute storyboard-like montage. Those few minutes accomplished a lot. First, I now know WAY more about the character and mythos of Green Lantern. It seems pretty interesting. Secondly, it looks really good. Superhero movies can look cheesy at times, this is sharply done. And Thirdly, Peter FN’ Sarsgaard as the villain? Sold. That guy will rock it. Fourth of all… I’m in. I officially NEED to see this movie. I don’t know if it’ll come in the form of a 3D IMAX situation, a DVD, PPV, or what… but I WILL see this movie.