That’s What I Am

I knew this as “that Randy Orton movie” for like the past six months. I remember at one point it was called “Big Red” and starred Randy Orton. As time went on things about it changed, or at least rumors were debunked. It turns out this is a WWE Studios film, but it’s not like the others. Randy Orton is in it, but he’s far from the star of it. The stars are two kids, one aspiring writer and a big awkward red headed kid. The big tall awkward kid is bullied and the normal wanna be writer kid gets stuck doing a project with him. I’m sure he learns to look past people’s differences and all that good stuff. On the adult side of things it’s all about Ed Harris. He’s their kindhearted wise teacher. We also have the always lovely Molly Parker. Other than that, it’s a lot of new faces. It’s a throwback to the 60’s and seems to be well crafted. The narrative isn’t AS cheesy as the others, but I do have a feeling it’s going to be all warm and fuzzy as opposed to intriguing and worth my time. Will I ever see this? If only to see Orton rock the drama.

RELEASE DATE - 4/28/11(Limited)

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