I forgot about this movie. I remember around the time Land of the Lost came out to not so awesome reviews and reception that Will Ferrell signed on to do a more dramatic indie type of movie. This is welcomed with open arms. I love Will Ferrell, but his movie role choices seem to be a little repetitive. I do love Step Brothers, Semi Pro, Talladega Nights, and Blades of Glory. It’s just it feels like he’s playing the same type of character in all of these movies. He’s a foul mouthed man-child. I’ll watch whatever Will Ferrell puts out there, but I do wish he’d do more movies like Stranger Than Fiction. Well, we sorta get that here. It’s a movie about a guy who loses his job and comes home to find all of his belongings on the lawn. So push comes to shove and he pretty much just starts living on the yard. He has a yard sale. It would seem that with everything he lets go of, he finds more solitude and happiness. That’s not painted clearly for us in the trailer, but it’s a pretty sure shot moral of story. The music they use about a minute half into the trailer is a little “too indie” for me. It’s the same type of Juno-ish/Little Miss Sunshine-ish type of music. I say that because I’m really looking for reasons to NOT get overly excited about this movie. I want it to be great, but I feel like if I don’t let myself get my hopes up too high that it won’t be a disappointment. Never the less, how can I not have some faith in this movie? Will Ferrell seems awesome in this and the supporting cast is fresh and good. I’m a big fan of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia so getting to see Glenn Howerton (“Dennis”) in a scene with Ferrell is money. Michael Pena is becoming one of my favorite character actors and this might be one of the last times we get to see him in smaller role because that dude is going to be the leading man of his own comedies in no time. In my old man age of 27 I find myself becoming a bigger and bigger fan of comedy-drama movies. I love to laugh, but if I can laugh and still gain a new perspective from a movie then it’s gold. Woody Allen did wonders with this, Wes Anderson is awesome at it, and there are plenty more. These movies, movies where you can laugh at life while somehow growing as a person is exactly what I find myself looking for in movies any more. Yeah, artsy is awesome… but I need the funny. Lines like “Whole continents of black people play soccer” bring the funny. I can’t think of really any movie coming out right now that I’d like to see more than this.