Our Idiot Brother

How can you NOT want to see this movie? It’s Paul Rudd and it’s NOT a romantic comedy. This guy is likeable. I’m pretty sure if the world was going to end I’d want Paul Rudd to tell me. It would totally soften the blow. He can be hilarious at times. The only gripe I could ever really have with him is that he doesn’t stray too far off track. It’s always the same short haired, clean up Paul Rudd wearing blue button ups, the occasional sports jacket, and tan pants. Like I said, he’s likeable so this works in most cases but I’m down with seeing him do something a little more wacky. In Anchorman he was hilarious and he was pretty different than the typical Rudd role. More of that please. In this new movie we get Paul Rudd stepping out of his shell and doing more of a character. Most importantly we get to see Paul Rudd as the lead for a change. Rudd is a hippie looking yuppie dude. Like maybe if “The Dude” grew up in Portland. He gets busted on some weed charges and then goes to jail. He gets out and gets involved with his sister’s lives. The sisters are played by Elizabeth Banks, Zooey Deschanel, and Emily Mortimer. We also get supporting roles from Steve Coogan, Rashida Jones, TJ Miller, Adam Scott, and others. This movie looks like a lot of fun. My biggest fear is that it ends with him cutting his hair, cleaning up, and thus automatically being a “grown up” now. I’m sure the movie will be funny, full of depth, and one I’ll watch more than once. I just have a weird fear that certain aspects and results might run a little predictable. I’m going to be optimistic though. The only way I’ll know for sure is to watch the movie. Paul Rudd!

RELEASE DATE - 8/26/11

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