Hobo with a Shotgun

I love gritty old Grindhouse looking cinema. The Tarantino and Rodridquez “Grindhouse” double feature was fun and all, but the stuff that’s come since has been way better. “Machete” was a trailer on these movies and it rocked as a movie. Unreleated was Black Dynamite, a blaxpoitation movie. It’s not really a “grind house” movie, but it’s definitely in that same old throwback grit and sand style. “Hobo with a Shotgun”, like “Machete”, was a trailer first. Jason Eisner won a contest and the movie ended up being made. It’s about a hobo who does what he has to do to get money to buy a lawn mower. When he gets the money he sees a shotgun on sale for the same price. Fueled with rage, hate, and despair for his surroundings he gets the gun. He goes into a full on crazy vigilante mode. The speech in the trailer is awesome. I love the cut aways to the craziness going on. We see GALLONS of blood used like it’s going out of style. We see horrible cuts of people’s heads being ripped right off. It’s all silly and fun retro-gore. The fact that the “hobo” is Rutger Hauer is awesome. He’s intense and gives this movie a big boost of credibility. Still, it’s crazy enough for me to want to see it on its own merits. It has a “Machete” feel to it, but with even more class and weirdness. I was putting it off, but I think I really want to see this movie now after watching this trailer. Well done.

RELEASE DATE - 5/06/11

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