Captain America: The First Avenger

I’m typically open to Marvel related movies. They’ve put out some good stuff. They recently got Thor out to some acclaim and their track record with Ironman is strong. You could say Hulk was a bit of a cluster as of recent years, but I really liked Ed Norton’s work in last one. I’m all for America and all that stuff, but I just never got into the Captain America character. Call it complete lack of exposure or call it complete lack of interest, it just wasn’t a book I’d want to check out. Hell, I don’t know anyone who did actually follow Captain America. The movie looks okay. I’m not excited for it as much as I was Ironman, Hulk, or even Thor but it still could be good. I like Chris Evans a lot, but the “skinny” version of the character looks CGI-creepy. It’s cool they pulled it off, but it’s weird enough to have made me slightly annoyed and uncomfortable. Chris Evans has the charisma to carry a super hero movie and while status wise this is a big one, I just don’t know how well it’ll translate come box office season. I would have assumed a release closer to the Fourth of July would have made a lot more sense. I did not except to see Tommy Lee Jones in the trailer. I know he’s a good actor and he’s well respected. Rightfully so. I just can’t get behind him. He seems to have a very limited range and gets by on legend. He’s not the only one out there, but he’s in this movie and I feel a need to mention it. The plot to the story seems to be a skinny guy gets into the military by never giving up. Then he gets to be part of a project that goes haywire and bada-bing bada-boom… he’s a super hero! I hope there’s more depth to the movie than that. I hope there is better action than that. I hope this movie is just better than the trailers I’ve seen. If this movie sucks, The Avengers could be screwed.

RELEASE DATE - 7/22/11

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