
I want to like Kevin James so badly, but he’s not exactly helping his case. I’m an adult and I enjoy adult humor. I’m not saying EVERY movie I watch has to be Rated R, but some edge is always appreciated. Kevin James was in that Mall Cop movie. It was seriously one of the worst movies I’ve seen in a while. Even my mother wanted to turn it off. I had issues with him in “Grown Ups” too. It may not have been the plan, but he felt like a really bad PG replacement for Chris Farley. The main cast is made up from the same group of friends who came up from SNL. Their big fat funny guy friend has passed away. It just felt like they inserted him in there. It screwed up the chemistry for me. I can’t really blame him for that, but I just want to see him do something good. He was funny in the stand up spots I’ve seen him in and I enjoyed “King of Queens”, but his movie run is shit. I’d love to see him do something darker or even dramatic. When I heard about this movie in preproduction I was automatically turned off by it. This movie has TALKING ANIMALS. I’m not going to see this movie. I’m not the demographic here. I accept that, but maybe I should just accept I’m not Kevin James’ demo either.


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