
I was never a big fan of the original Kevin Bacon movie from 1984. It was just a little too before my time I suppose. It still looked A LOT better than this upcoming abortion. The sad part is that the same Justin Bieber fans and same Jersey Shore fans are going to eat this shit up. It looks safe enough and dumb enough to be a HUGE hit. It has a similar plot as the first. A “big city kid” moves to a redneck town that has banned dancing because of some stupid kids in the past. The differences are that instead of just being a “big city” kid he sounds like he has a thick accent. I don’t know if that’s intentional or bad acting. The dancing is more hip hop based and looks like shit. This just looks bad. I don’t think they needed a remake of this. Zac Efron was originally supposed to star in this monstrosity. The reason he dropped out is because he wanted to take a break from musicals. I have a feeling that he read the script and realized that this is going to suck hard. Good for him. I know that since I’m a heterosexual male in my late 20s who doesn’t watch MTV, go tanning, go clubbing, and has an IQ higher than my shoe size that I’m NOT the demographic for this. I’m not the type of person this movie is for. That doesn’t mean I can’t see past the bullshit and have an opinion. Like I said, I didn’t like the original either. At least you could tell they were attempting to show some heart in the 84 original. This is a blatant money grab. What next? Flashdance? Purple Rain? The Godfather? How many fish out of water hump-dance movies do we really need?

RELEASE DATE - 10/14/11

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