Crazy, Stupid, Love

I imagine this was originally titled “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”. If you’re a fan of the Showtime series Californication then you get the reference. Basically, what I’m saying is that this movie looks to be the prototype romantic comedy. The cast seems pretty interesting and promising, but I have a hard time imagining this being anything but an hour and a half long cliché. That said, I’m sure I’ll end up watching this movie. I like the cast. Steve Carell can be fun, Ryan Gosling needs to be do more comedy, Emma Stone, Julianne Moore, Marisa Tomei, Kevin Bacon, and a slew of others. You have to credit this movie for having good taste in casting. It comes off almost like a better version of “Hitch”. That movie was charming enough, but this one doesn’t seem to really have that going for it. Carell is likeable and all, but getting with Ryan Gosling to score chicks isn’t that appealing. I don’t get why Steve Carell keeps trying to make movies like this. “Dan In Real Life” sucked, but everything else I’ve seen him in has been good. If he was going this route, I’d rather see more “Date Night” than this stuff. I don’t want to hate on this movie too much, but the trailer just bugs me for some reason.

RELEASE DATE - 07/29/11

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