Prepare to be manipulated! This movie is one of those movies that looks like it was made specifically to be enjoyed by EVERYONE. I know that’s the objective for most movies, but this seems too formulaic. Without getting into this oh so deep plot, when you watch this expect to see white people being mean to black people, black people being sassy, random whites being curious and friendly to black people, hardship, and racism, and a deeply learned lesson. Movies like this is why 30-something white girls still say, “hey girlfriend!” in a pseudo-Queen Latifah manner. This is this year’s version of “The Blindside”. It displays just enough white guilt to make the surely triumphant ending that much more “socially impactful”. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Let’s be clear, my biggest stance and pet peeve is racism. It’s 2011, racism has no place anywhere. We’re all dumb asses trying to survive in an endless pit of struggle. I don’t see the point in a movie like this. Does anyone want to watch movies about Norman Rockwell-styled rich people that have ethnic maids? I love me some Emma Stone, but she’s not going to save this one for me. I’m avoiding this and I recommend you tell your moms and female friend to do the same because they’re going to be really tempted to see this shit.