I’m not a sci-fi guy persae, but there are exceptions. A good movie is a good movie, but sometimes things just get too geeky like Star Trek or Stargate or any of that stuff. This is a sci-fi movie that I do really want to see. It has a really interesting premise. As history tells us, the last Apollo mission to the moon was Apollo 17 in 1972. This movie makes up a new reality that two years later the US Department of Defense sent a shuttle to the moon. Once they get there they uncover what appears to be murderous life on the moon. They present it as if the footage we’re seeing is ACTUAL footage that someone got their hands on and released. It’s not real, but you have to appreciate their efforts to push their created world into the reality. So what we have here is a sci-fi thriller period piece on the moon. I’m interested in this. It could be great or it could be really bad. I don’t see it going any other way…