This sucks. I love R-Rated comedies and I think Anna Faris is awesome, but this movie just looks really bad. The cast seems awesome. Anna Faris, Chris Evans, Zachary Quinto(SYLAAAAAAR!), Joel McHale, Andy Samberg, and more. I like those people and I typically like their movies. I don’t know if the trailer is just really cheesy and bad or if it’s the movie. The plot is that a love troubles woman reads she should only sleep with a certain number of men. So then she swears of sex until she finds the one. She hooks up with her neighbor Chris Evans and they work as a team for him to avoid his exes and for her to find hers. Hilarity and cutesy crap most likely ensues. So what are the odds on favorite that she’ll end up with Chris Evans at the end? We all know a movie like this normally goes that route. I hope there’s something here, but the trailer sucks ass and it pretty much ruined any positive anticipation I had for this movie.