Burke & Hare

Simon Pegg starring in a John Landis movie? I’m in. This movie looks like a lot of fun. We have Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis starring as two Irish guys who start stealing dead bodies and selling them to medical professors. It’s a true story about the 1828 Edinburgh body snatchers. So it’s a true story. As if the two leads and the director weren’t cool enough we have the always hot Isla Fisher, the iconic Tim Curry, the awesome Tim Wilkinson, the REALLY underrated in the US Jessica Hynes, and a slew of other familiar faces and talented folks. It doesn’t seem to be too vulgar like the normal frat-boy/cynical type of comedies being released. That’s enough reason alone to almost guarantee that I’ll watch this movie the first chance I get.

RELEASE DATE - 09/09/11

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