I don’t know if I can trust a trailer who has the people in it talk before it. It feels like they’re putting a little extra desperation out there. It’s like they’re saying “this isn’t THAT funny. We’re funny, remember? We’ve made you laugh before. Now watch us be silly and take that good energy into watching THIS trailer…of a movie that’s not that funny”. The thing is that this movie is going to probably top the charts and make tons of money. It looks charming and funny enough for just about everyone to want to see it. I’m not huge on these mid-life crisis type of PG comedies. This could be “Wild Hogs” bad. It looks like a cross between “The Bucket List” and “Wild Hogs” except there’s no William H. Macy and the chances of one of the characters dying at the end are a lot less likely. Owen Wilson can be funny in the right movies, Jack Black hasn’t done a movie that I’ve enjoyed in a long time and I love Steve Martin as much as any hetro comedy loving male can. That said, I’m not the demographic for this. To me this is like the Nickelback of comedy movies.