Paranormal Activity 3

If you’re intrigued and excited for this movie then you’re not someone that should attempt to hang out with me or look at me to be a friend. This movie looks stupid. I respected the first one because it was no-budget and did the whole “Blair Witch” thing and went from nothing to over a hundred million. I thought the movie sucked ass though. In that first movie, they had to rely on scared audience shots as opposed to the actual movie because it looked like crap. They made that shit work and the marketing for the movie was genius. The actual movie sucked. “Look! Creepy shadows! Look! The door is opening! Look! I heard something!” It was about as scary as a Halloween episode of Roseanne. Still, the movie was so well marketed and pandered to just the right crowd that I truly believe people proclaimed they liked it so they wouldn’t look like they were fools for biting the bait. Then they made a second one. I didn’t see it and I blocked it from my head. Now a THIRD one? C’mon! This one somehow found its way in front of my eyes. I do appreciate the fact they are using old school footage and going for an 80’s thing in their “old footage”. That’s “creative”, a word that shouldn’t have been used about this franchise since the cameras stopped rolling on part one. Other than that, this movie is aimed towards teenagers and dumb people. If you’re one of those two then either grow up or go watch a real horror movie.

RELEASE DATE - 10/21/11

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