Martin Scorsese is a great director. Let’s get that out of the way. He’s arguably one of the greatest and I’ve spent hours upon hours enjoying his work. Okay, are we cool? Aight… I have NO desire to see this movie. It’s not that it’s a kid movie because a well written movie of ANY style is still worth checking out. My problem is that this movie looks and comes off like a million other movies that look the same, sound the same, and have the same vibe. I’m tired of people going to the old timey New York/European route to show that a kid movie is “smart”. I like the cast and all that too. There is just something about this movie that makes me really feel my personal tax bracket. I could be completely wrong, but a lot of critics are giving this movie tons of praise. I hope I’m wrong, but I do feel like the same reasons it’s getting praise are the same reason I don’t want to see it.