The Dark Knight Rises

I feel like a small child talking about Christmas with this. Obviously, I’m excited. I’m a human being with a pulse so I’m pretty sure that qualifies me to anticipate this one. “The Dark Knight” broke records and will go down as one of the greatest movies of all time. Not just “greatest super hero movie”, but on the same level as a “Wizard of Oz” or “Easy Rider”. I know that’s bold as fuck to say, but I’m just being realistic. It was a great story with great actors directed by a great director. A lot of the praise from it was Ledger’s performance as “The Joker”. He passed away before he could win the Oscar. So a THIRD Christopher Nolan Batman movie? Count me in. I’m sure I’m not the only one excited for this movie. The fact that Ledger won’t be reprising his Joker role makes it hard to believe this movie will measure up to the immeasurable about of success of Dark Knight. The Joker is the coolest villain in the Batman mythos. They’re bringing in Tom Hardy as “Bane” and Anne Hathaway as “Catwoman”. That’s cool. There aren’t many more bigger villains outside of the Riddler, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Harlequinn, and well… okay, yeah they could have gone another direction. I’ve always been a fan of The Riddler so I’d have liked to have seen Nolan’s take on the character. I’m not worried though. I’ve been a huge fan of Nolan’s body of work and Batman movies are like pizza, even the worst is still good. Batman is just a bad ass character. People will shit talk Christian Bale on his work with the character, especially the voice, but I think he’s done a great job. In ten years when he has a few more Oscars and is remembered as one of the best actors of the generation people will look back at these already great Batman movies and think about how lucky we were to have him in the role. Christian Bale IS the best Batman. There… I said it! Needless to say, I’m bias. Real bias. I want to see this movie. It doesn’t come out until July 20th. That’s forever and a day away from now. It just sucks that you know that they’ll keep “leaking” promotional stuff on this movie all the way up until it’s release. I’m pretty sure there are some diehard fans that are going to snap and go crazy before that late summer night comes. I’m not saying I’m going to go crazy, but…

RELEASE DATE - 7/20/12

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