The Duplass’s bring us what’s being tagged as a “an indie comedy film” on Wikipedia. Whatever, man. It’s a little “non-mainstream”, but it’s got big stars and is going to get more attention than a REAL “indie”. I’ll forever hate on that aspect of Hollywood. Anywho… I DO want to see this. I like Jason Segel and Ed Helms a lot. Both are very entertaining people and I can’t wait to see them work off each other. They’re brothers. One is an uptight white collar guy and the other is a slacker who still lives at home. They go on an adventure together to see if someone is cheating or something. I’m sure it’ll be funny. We also get Judy Greer, Susan Sarandon, and a few other familiar faces. It’ll be funnier than “I Love You Man” for sure. I’d almost want to bet on it.