The Hunter

I’m surprised this movie isn’t getting that much publicity. It looks gritty, bad ass, and is stars Willem Dafoe. Do we need to know anything else? Dafoe is “Martin”, a bad ass mercenary sent into the woods to hunt down a tiger that everyone thinks in extinct. He meets a family, gets close to them, and is most likely changed in the end. Is that why the movie isn’t getting love? Too obvious? From the plot description it seems pretty clear that this movie is going to be “dude is ice cold, dude works for bad people, dude meets nice people, dude warms up, and when it comes to the conclusion of the movie he does the right thing. I REALLY hope I’m wrong. Then again, if not Willem Dafoe is a strong enough actor to make it work. “Taken” was a pretty a-typical plot a few years ago, but Liam Neeson made it rock. Dafoe does have that capability. I’d watch this movie if the mood hit, but the trailer didn’t exactly make me want to jump right out and see it. I just hope it’s better than what I’m imagining.


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