The Three Stooges

I remember when they first announced this movie. It was supposed to have Jim Carrey, Sean Penn, and Benicio del Toro. I have NEVER found Sean Haynes funny or enjoyable. He just comes off smug and pretentious in all the wrong ways. He’s Larry. I have no clue with Chris Diamantopoulos is because apparently I don’t stare at credits for background players. I DO like Will Sasso. I think he can pull off the Curly role with ease and gusto. I hope the movie does well almost solely because I’d like to see Sasso get his much deserved props. Other than that, the only other bright spot is that Larry David plays a nun. How can that not AT LEAST be amusing? Then I read that the cast of the Jersey Shore are going to have a cameo? What? Why? What the hell is wrong with the world? Do the Farrelly brothers want to retire and stop being asked to make movies? It sounds like that’s what they’re aiming for. Again, it’s the Stooges. It’s a part of American culture. If you’re not going to do it just, why do it at all. I’m hoping this is one of those situations where my low expectations result in me being pleasantly surprised.

RELEASE DATE - 4/13/12

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